Morning walk to Santuario della Madonna di Monte Berico; up the long arcade to the small, central-plan baroque church on top of the hill. There is a wide view there from the Piazalle della Vittoria, out to the Dolomites, across the Veneto, and to the Lagoon of Venice. Inside, the church is full of color and geometry.
The walk back down the hill, is toward the Fume Bacchiglione, past Villa Valmarana ai Nani and Villa Rotunda. It's a wonderful walk that I've taken before, but in the other direction, returning to the historic center over the Ponte San Michele.
In the afternoon, a guided tour to see a few Palladian highlights, and first up is the Teatro Olimpico, Last group in is half past four, so we have to hustle.
The Palazzo Chiericati, Palazzo da Schio (Ca' d'Oro), Palazzo Thiene, Parrocchia di Santo Stephano, the Palladio Museum (Palazzo Barbarana), Mons Pietatus, and the Palazzo and Loggia di Capitaniato.
Finishing the day with a sunset aperitivo on top of the Basilica Palladiana, with views out in all directions, including toward the Duomo and back again to Monte Berico.